Reputation starts with search. Take control.

Reputation starts with search. Be deliberate.

Reputation starts with search. Use intelligence.

Reputation starts with search. Harness the elements.


Five Blocks is a digital reputation management firm. We work with premium clients who never leave business choices to chance. We help them plan and implement a deliberate online presence in Google search, Wikipedia, and, as of recently, in AI-powered search – helping them to take better control of online threats and opportunities. We use big data and proprietary technology to create effective, holistic, and customized strategies.

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Our Data-Driven Approach

Our proprietary technology tracks millions of data points daily — as compared to peers, and over time — allowing us to glean important insights, to identify opportunities, and to build a deliberate strategy based on big data. Our analysis covers 500 different locations, across 69 countries, in 23 languages — enabling us to serve partners and clients with multinational stakeholders.

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Technology & Methodology

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Our Mission: Empowering brands and individuals to achieve a digital reputation that best represents them.

Your digital presence, especially as seen in search, is the gateway to your reputation. It should therefore be deliberate, capture your essence, and be protected in advance of a crisis. You can take more control online than you might think.

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Our partners are PR firms, communications teams, and law firms. Together, we work to ensure that overall strategies include the digital reputation angle, such as optimizing all relevant profiles and platforms.

Our clients are Fortune 500 corporations and fast-growing brands, multinational organizations, and high-profile executives or celebrities. We work with all types of companies, with significant expertise in the industries listed below.

By the way: You will not find our client list anywhere on this site or otherwise, as this information is treated with the utmost discretion.

Our Clients' Industries

Let's Talk

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The Five Blocks Formula

  • Strategic Solutions

    We get to know you and design a plan so that others know the real you, too.

  • Technology

    Proprietary tracking & analysis, over time, compared to peers & across geographies / languages.

  • Partner Relationships

    We work with clients’ Communications and PR teams to curate the best earned and community-sourced content.

  • Intelligence

    The biggest big data in the reputation space.

  • Personal Service

    Each client works with an account lead who becomes the interdisciplinary expert on their account.

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